Registration Procedures

Students eligible to register will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office providing important registration information. Please log into MyCSUDH to see your:

  • Registration appointment date and time
  • Major(s)
  • Advising holds (if required of you)
  • Other holds preventing registration.
  • Smart Planner

It is important that you regularly review and monitor this information so that you may take appropriate action if anything appears to be inaccurate, and to be proactive about seeking advising and/or clearing other holds prior to your registration appointment.

Please note that failure to apply for admission or register by the published deadlines in the previous semester may result in not receiving a registration appointment.


Use the checklist below to prepare for registration. Not all items may apply to you, but those that do will help you register most efficiently:

  1. Know your username. You will need your campus identification username to log into MyCSUDH. Your username can be found in your Admissions letter.
  2. Know your password. Your password is necessary to access your MyCSUDH account. Newly admitted students will be issued a password.
  3. Check your Enrollment Appointment. You’ll find your registration appointment in your MyCSUDH Student Center. The Student Center will also provide "hold" information and a checklist of outstanding items and To Dos.
  4. Check for holds. They’ll be listed in your Student Center.
  5. Review your Smart Planner. Smart Planner is located in your Student Center. This online tool will help you chart your path to degree completion and efficiently register for courses.


  1. View offered classes. You may view the Fall 2024 Class Schedule online or check for classes via MyCSUDH, using the "Class Search" option.
  2. Check your major on record. Some classes are restricted to students in specified majors.
  3. Be aware of requisites: many classes require that you satisfy certain requisites in order to enroll in them. For example, the class may require department consent, a certain test score on your EPT/ELM, completion of a prerequisite(s) to the class, or that you be at a certain class level. If you have met these requisites at CSUDH, you should have no problem enrolling in the class. If you met these requisites at another institution or have not met the requisites at all, you should contact the department offering the class.
  4. Know that Department Consent may be required. Some classes require department consent in order to enroll; this will be noted under the "Enrollment Information" section of Class Search. If you are given consent, the department will issue you a Permission Number to be used when you enroll in the class.

Always have alternate classes in mind in case one of your classes is cancelled or fills up quickly. You may add yourself to a waitlist if a class is full (see Waitlist Procedures for more details). You may register for up to 18 units, including any waitlisted classes. You cannot exceed this limit until the Late Registration/Change of Program period begins, and you must obtain approval from your advisor to exceed 18 units. Students who intend to enroll for 18 to 21 units must obtain their advisor's signature on a Change of Program form, which should then be submitted to the Office of Admissions & Records. Students who intend to enroll for more than 21 units must obtain an advisor's signature and dean's signature on a Change of Program form before submitting it to the Office of Admissions & Records.


  1. Register at MyCSUDH as soon as possible on or after your enrollment appointment date and time. The system is available as follows: April 15, 2024 – August 26, 2024, Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight. Sunday - Unavailable
  2. If a class is full (as designated by a blue square) and has a waitlist (as designated by an orange triangle), you may place yourself on the waitlist as long as there are still openings. The waitlist procedures are below.


Fees for the Fall 2024 term are due as follows:

Registration dates between: April 15, 2024, to July 14, 2024; fees are due July 15, 2024.

Registration dates between: July 15, 2024, to September 3, 2024; fees are due 48 hours after registration.

Registration dates between: September 4, 2024, to September 19, 2024, your fees are due at time of registration.

Students registering on or after the start of Late Registration, August 26, 2024, will be assessed a Late Registration fee of $25.00.

Students are fully responsible for meeting all payment deadlines. You will not receive a bill. Failure to make payment in full or establish a payment plan by the deadline may result in disenrollment from courses. Account balances are viewable under the Finance section of your Student Center or via ToroPay located in the Launchpad of your MyCSUDH.


There Are Three Ways To Pay

  • To pay online, sign into MyCSUDH and select the ToroPay button from the Launchpad. You can pay by electronic check or by credit card. There is a non-refundable 2.65% service fee ($3 minimum) charged by our third-party processor, Transact, for paying with a credit card. Debit cards are treated the same as credit cards and will incur the service fee. There is no fee charged for paying with electronic check.
  • Mail (check only) payment to: CSU Dominguez Hills Attn: Cashier's Office, WH B270 1000 East Victoria St. Carson, CA 90747
  • The Cashiers Office processes payments of all fees. The Cashiers Office accepts cash, checks, cashier’s checks, and money orders. The Cashier's Office is located outside of WH-B270 and can be reached through Student Financial Services email at or (310) 243-3780.